Unique insights for great results

Tune in on how your target market's thinking changes, make more effective decisions, and ensure the future of your projects.

More exclusive

Receive powerful ad hoc insights on active and potential targets from expert, objective researchers. Not from algorithms. This way, you avoid the risks of DIY and superficial statistical data.

More up-to-date

The people in your target evolve and therefore always need updated information. With Sensify's cyclical insights you will stay on track and only make successful decisions.

More cost-effective

Save time and budget while gaining exclusive knowledge. We have innovated in-depth research to provide you with a unique quality service that is also smart and cost-effective.
Inside Sensify

What does the commitment-free annual subscription include?

Qualitative information just for you
Sensify app
1 full data recharge
Dedicated and impartial researcher
Tailored and quality samples
Access to recordings
Filters and keywords
Export for generative AI

More power with qualitative research,
the #1 research-as-a-service

Complete and up-to-date insights

Sensify's insights are produced using the best mix of qualitative research techniques (in-depth interviews, focus groups, and ethnographic safaris), cyclically configured based on your updated knowledge objectives. That is why they are more effective and comprehensive.

Depth of qualitative approach

The qualitative approach of social sciences can explore the reality under study in its entirety, with openness and future projection. Each individual is seen as a system of relationships (holistic view), not just a number or a sum of parts.

Great knowledge from relevant profiles

The qualitative sample is purposive, based on careful selection of a few ideal profiles on which the researcher invests significant amounts of time, from direct empathetic interactions to the analysis of hundreds of emerging themes and their synthesis into your insights.
Only deep information

We do not rely on hypothetical statistics, standardized surveys, or superficial KPIs because they do not explain individuals and the future.

Quantitative research techniques do not explore the whys and hows, nor do they provide the widest range of information on the researched topic. They often measure a few pieces of information (variables) multiple times, detached from real contexts, to justify probabilistic, partial, and non-predictive conclusions. They do not engage individuals, they use random sampling, and rely on rigid and non-exploratory tools like online questionnaires, historical analytics, and prepackaged algorithms.
Quality to explain quantity

Make sense of your quantitative and statistical data with Sensify's deep insights, reconciling big data and small data in your business.

Only qualitative research can explore future behaviours and orientations down to the details (rich, deep, small data). However, the ease of conducting quantitative measurements today, from online questionnaires to web analytics, often reduces companies to measuring rather than understanding. Sensify brings the missing qualitative insights, gives meaning to the numbers, and promotes collaboration between qualitative and quantitative knowledge (mixed methods).

Information always with you

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The dedicated researcher is always at your disposal

Helping you define research objectives. Researchers create samples, configure techniques, conduct investigations, produce insights, and present them to you and your team, helping you derive maximum value.
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Results always at hand

The dedicated researcher explains and narrates the insights to you; but these also remain with you afterward, on your Sensify app. It is a simple and smart way to make insights your daily companions in your challenges. The app archives all the insights produced during your subscription.


We support companies in all sectors, from primary to secondary and tertiary industries.

Fashion & Beauty
Wellness & Sport
Insurance & Legal
Tech & Machinery
Publishing & Media
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We have made high-quality research accessible.

No commitment subscription

Enjoy up-to-date insights and the freedom to cancel whenever you want.

Transparency and flexibility

Two plans with clear rates to cover every need.
Sensify and linguistic inclusiveness
We believe in the values that inspire linguistic inclusiveness and we are convinced that it is essential for all people to feel represented with fair words. However, we are also aware that the current debate is an evolving process. For this reason, at the moment, on some website pages we still use the overextended masculine form while on others there are formulas more in line with some outcomes of the collective reflection on the topic. We will continue to closely follow the evolutions of language to arrive at an increasingly precise, uniform and respectful solution.