Privacy Policy


You are on Sensify's website. This site aims to present in-depth qualitative research insights for businesses and organizations. Below, you will find the warnings regarding your privacy while using the site. We also refer to this as the privacy and cookie policy, as it contains all the clarifications regarding our potential data management practices, including the use of cookies, which are widely used on the web.

You might have heard about the European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR), which was introduced on May 25, 2018. The regulation requires us to explain clearly to users like you how an IT solution like this site intends to handle your personal data in a structured manner, ensuring your consent and privacy rights. Transparency towards users has always been an ethical principle for us, well before the GDPR, and we are pleased to be available for any questions you may have.

Our main domain is Additionally, we have other secondary domains that function as simple redirects to the main domain. One example is

Data Controller and DPO (Data Protection Officer)

We confirm that the sole data controller is Sensify Srl Unipersonale, with registered office at Vicolo Cavalletto 18, Verona, and VAT number 04961890235. The data controller is defined and communicated to you in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 - Code on the protection of personal data, and from May 25, 2018, Articles 13 and 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016/EU.

In compliance with the regulations, we have identified a contact person within our organization who is available to address any privacy-related concerns regarding To contact the privacy contact person or the Data Protection Officer (DPO), you can write to the email address

Purpose of Data Processing, Data Types, and Retention

The data collected from the site serves two main purposes. The first purpose is to enable you to navigate our site and read its information. The second purpose is to allow you to contact us through the site's contact form.

Regarding the types of data collected, the first type is "navigation data." The computer systems and software procedures involved in the operation of the site collect certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. Examples of this type of data include IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the server's response status (successful, error, etc.), and other information related to the user's operating system and computer environment.

We guarantee that we only use this data in an anonymous form to process any aggregate statistics on site consultation and ensure its proper functioning. The navigation data on our site, by itself, cannot be attributed to identified users by us, but it may allow for identification by third parties through data reprocessing, such as your connectivity service providers. Only in cases where judicial or public authorities request it, for example, to investigate computer crimes committed by the user, the data could be shared and contribute to the identification process. In such cases, the storage of navigation data might need to be extended beyond the usual seven days.

The second type concerns "personal data voluntarily provided by the user." On our site, the transfer of this data may occur at the user's discretion through the sending of emails to the addresses provided on the site or via the electronic forms on the site. Sending an email entails our collection of the sender's name, if specified. Besides the name, the user may provide their phone number and email address. The personal data collected through this mode will be used solely to respond to messages and engage in conversation with the user regarding the topics they have contacted us about, as well as for conducting commercial communications when the user has shown interest in purchasing our services.

Data Processing Methods

We adopt appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of data. The processing is carried out using computer and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods strictly related to the purposes outlined here. Among the technical methods, it is important to note that our site uses a data security certificate.

The data is processed at the data controller's operational offices and other locations where the parties involved in the processing may be located. The user may request the data controller to stop the processing at any time by requesting the deletion of their data. The user assumes responsibility for the personal data voluntarily provided during conversations with Sensify initiated through our site and guarantees that the content of their communications does not infringe on the rights of others, releasing the data controller from any liability related to false information.

Sensify and linguistic inclusiveness
We believe in the values that inspire linguistic inclusiveness and we are convinced that it is essential for all people to feel represented with fair words. However, we are also aware that the current debate is an evolving process. For this reason, at the moment, on some website pages we still use the overextended masculine form while on others there are formulas more in line with some outcomes of the collective reflection on the topic. We will continue to closely follow the evolutions of language to arrive at an increasingly precise, uniform and respectful solution.