It offers more and costs less

Three plans with transparent pricing to ensure expert listening to your target audience and quality information like never before.

Always included in Sensify

Qualitative information just for you
Sensify app
1 full data recharge
Dedicated and impartial researcher
Tailored and quality samples
Access to recordings
Filters and keywords
Export for generative AI

All the up-to-date and strategic information about your customer.

Get the formula that best suits you based on the depth of knowledge you want to achieve.
Request a free evaluation of your case from one of our experts.


Medium depth
For startups and companies
with a simple target

1 segment or persona

€ 2.890/year

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High depth
For growing companies
with a diversified target

up to 3 segments or personas

€ 4.890/year

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Maximum depth
For established companies
with a highly diversified target

up to 6 segments or personas

€ 6.890/year

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Each plan includes 1 full and annual recharge of qualitative data.
For additional recharges, you can access our convenient quantity discounts.

Foreign Markets

For your international markets, enhance your Sensify plan with the foreign language module and conquer the world.
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Funding Opportunities

European grants offer opportunities to cover research costs like Sensify. Take advantage now of these benefits.


Stay up-to-date on your targets and save an additional €300/year by choosing the optional minimum three-year membership clause.


We support companies in all sectors, from primary to secondary and tertiary industries.

Fashion & Beauty
Wellness & Sport
Insurance & Legal
Tech & Machinery
Publishing & Media
Sensify and linguistic inclusiveness
We believe in the values that inspire linguistic inclusiveness and we are convinced that it is essential for all people to feel represented with fair words. However, we are also aware that the current debate is an evolving process. For this reason, at the moment, on some website pages we still use the overextended masculine form while on others there are formulas more in line with some outcomes of the collective reflection on the topic. We will continue to closely follow the evolutions of language to arrive at an increasingly precise, uniform and respectful solution.